New Record!
Well, he did it! This morning he went faster than yesterday - 157 mph today! So Don has earned his 4th Bonneville record. WOW! It is an incredible experience. We arrive as the sun is rising ... get the car ready to run and then go. There are few sounds except engines warming up - the air is crystal clear - and the new day is beginning. Kind of surreal and very beautiful.
Then it was my turn to drive. To get a license to drive here you have to go between 125 and 150. Since I didn't have a working tachometer, I didn't know how fast I was going. It didn't seem real fast ... but it was 149.667! Pretty fun! I get to drive again tomorrow morning at 7 am. Then I am turning the keys over to our crew member, Kenny Grimes, for his turn on the salt. Everyone on our crew has been incredible. Jane Rickey donated one of her sweatshirts to me so that Marilyn Grimes could cut off the waistband to make a sweatband for me! Sandy Mc held the umbrella to keep me cool as I waited in the car for my start. Thankfully, my worst fear (stalling at the line in front of at least 200 people) was not realized. Needless to say, it was over pretty quickly - a 3 mile course at 149 mph. You can do the math, I ALWAYS HATED story problems in math.
More tomorrow.
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