Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Better Day

Two exciting things happened today! First, Sue Martin - wild, English teacher that she is - drove 112 mph on the Bonneville Salt Flats! Way to go, Sue. There is a lot to remember to do when driving our little orange car & she did it very well. Ask her about it.
Second, Don hopped back in the car to take another run hoping to up our record from Monday. (PS - Marilyn & Jane said we weren't driving again until the mechanics fix the shifter!) He was able to go 156+ mph - still in only two gears. Also, driving back in the car after picking him up, we remembered that the crew had put in a rev limiter to keep the girls from over-reving the engine. So the fact that the car was still dropping off at high rpms was explained. ALL GOOD. Tomorrow we head out to back up the record and to pack up the trailer. As, I said above, a better day today!


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